Monday, 9 May 2011

Diggers in Afghanistan on red alert for revenge over Osama bin Laden's death

AUSTRALIAN troops in Afghanistan are bracing for a "spectacular" suicide bombing or large "fireworks display" following the death of Osama bin Laden.

Lieutenant-Colonel Darren Huxley, commanding officer of Mentoring Task Force 2 (MTF2), said his troops were prepared for a tough fighting season, including suicide attacks, as soon as the harvest finished during the next few weeks.

"There is always a possibility a [suicide bombing] might occur," he told The Daily Telegraph.

The commanding officer of the Darwin-based 5th Battalion said the death of the al-Qaeda leader would demoralise the terrorist network and its allies the Taliban.

Lt-Col Huxley, who has just returned from a tour of forward operating bases, said the troops were on alert for suicide bombers targeting local officials such as the governor of Oruzgan or police chief. "They are always a target," he said.

There have been a number of suicide attacks against local officials in the Deh Rawud and Chora valleys since the MTF 2 arrived last October, but none against Diggers.

Insurgents have also been very active during the winter lull establishing weapons caches.

During a push into the Kamisan Valley last week, as temperatures climbed into the mid-30s, Australian and Afghan troops uncovered 37 caches during an operation codenamed Operation Tiger's Avalanche.

Most of the weapons were found by engineers from the Darwin-based No. 1 Combat Engineer Regiment using metal detectors.
The sappers have been at the sharp edge of operations in Oruzgan.

In February two combat engineers, Corporal Richard Atkinson and Sapper Jamie Larcombe, became the 22nd and 23 Australian fatalities of the campaign.

"Clearly the insurgents didn't have much clue that we were coming. They had certainly been storing the weapons for later use," Lt-Col Huxley said.

Since MTF 2 arrived last October, it has been hit by about about 20 improvised explosive device (IED) attacks. Just last week two soldiers had a lucky escape when a large fragment of shrapnel from an IED passed between them.

"We have become quite adept at finding out where they are," Lt-Col Huxley said.

Originally from Campbelltown, Lt-Col Huxley said he was looking forward to going home in June.



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